It's no wonder.
Global-inspired living incorporates a hefty amount of adventurous layering-- be it various fiber types, colors or textures.
And if one of the main attractions of global pieces is that they are often handcrafted and completely unique to the artisan, then you'll most certainly see that reflected in knitting.
Textile appreciators everywhere should check out Nicky Epstein's Knitting on Top of the World. Even if you don't knit, this book is chock-full of the history and approach behind global knitting techniques.

Although I doubt I'll ever have the expertise to tackle the projects in this book, I still love how it features exhaustive knitting history, style and techniques from various folk knitting traditions. With over 200 pages, 40+ patterns and oozing with gorgeous color photos, this title certainly has the depth (and physical weight!) to sit alongside my coffee-table textile book collection.

Although I'm most drawn to the research behind KOTOW, I can't hide the fact that Julie Hines' work, as the stylist, is amazing. The photos are part fashion, part travel and manage to make me feel like I'm in an old Venetian mansion or Faroe cottage. I'm sure the whole shoot took place in Manhattan, further reminding me that both the stylist and photographer (Marcus Tullis) are wickedly talented artists.

Knitting on Top of the World available at Sixth&Spring Books. All photos are reprinted courtesy of Sixth&Spring Books, copyright 2008. Photography by Marcus Tullis.
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